We manage your fashion impact.
You thrive.

Return on investment
IMPACT OF FASHION specialises in the assessment and management of the environmental footprint of fashion. Our biggest mission is to enable a future-proof fashion world where brands and nature thrive together.
Our unique approach to powering profitable transition to a carbon-neutral industry combines science-based impact measurement, advanced technological solutions and expert collaboration.
We can only accelerate this shift collectively. Are you in?
Our clients

Our expertise



Brand impact
Mapping your value chain to get a full impact on your hotspots in terms of CO2e., water and toxicity emissions and empower footprint mitigation action plan, impact goals and performance tracking.
Powering emissions transparency and carbon reporting adherence (incl. EU Commission PED initiative, GHG reporting) to enable accelerated footprint abatement across the industry.
Accelerating sustainability initiatives ROI via innovative customer-facing tools that guide end customers’ choice, build trust, improve stickiness, and ultimately – maximise brand equity.
Our partners

Building a better world through supporting the United Nations SDG