Classic Linen Shirt

28.5 kg of CO2 savings

2 703 kg of H2O savings
This is the best classical fit. It is fitted to the shoulders and long just enough to be worn over jeans. As well as tucked in them.
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Product Impact Score
You can opt to showcase across five different impact measures (CO2, H2O, toxicity, waste and circularity) and enable empowered choice.
Checkout Offset
The Score empowers your customers to join you in your sustainable efforts. Through assessing your impact on a product level, you can easily add the associate offset cost to the customer's basket and make them part of your revolution.

Classic Linen Shirt
Carbon Neutrality

Including VAT*

Your Impact
Hey Sam, your orders have some impressive impact

45.8 kg
of CO2 savings

2 trees
absorbing CO2

6 306 l
of H2O savings

16 people
drinking H2O
Your Orders
Your Favourites List
Customer's Impact
End customers increasingly seek tools to estimate their individual impact and demonstrate care for the environment.
Allow yours to geek out on their personal savings via a highly customisable in-profile impact calculator.
Who isn’t proud of their change-making efforts?
SDG achievement - By providing credible impact measurement the Score plays a critical role in accelerating the shift towards sustainable production and consumption, enabling brands to advance the achievement of the 2030 SDGs.
Reporting & Strategizing - Derived in full compliance with the LCA four-step process, the Product Score serves as a fact base for transparent and action-focused CSR and internal sustainability reporting. It can hugely supports decision-making, ensuring that proposed sustainability actions at the company level are economically viable, socially equitable, and environmentally sustainable.
Business Case: Kool and Konscious
Conversion customer
Growth in revenue
Time on site
Beyond resulting in higher customer engagement and stickiness (Fig. 1), the Score can support improved resource management and reduced operating costs.
It equips customers with the data and impact evaluation, necessary to respond to the mandate for quantifying companies’ environmental impact in corporate financial statements (e.g. Impact- Weighted accounts initiative (IWAI), Taskforce on climate-related financial disclosures (TCFD)).
Lean API, enabling fully-automated, centralized and hands-off customer onboarding process and tech integration.
Highly flexible calculation algorithm that allows for tailored Score-like solutions, corresponding to your needs and priorities. The cost of integration and monthly product fee allow for intact unit economics and strong ROI.
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